The IGWG organizes regular in-person and virtual events where members from around the world can learn from and connect with each other. These events may be thematic, such as a focus on recent research in the GBV field, or dedicated to capacity strengthening, such as integrating participatory and inclusive evaluation and learning methods in gender transformative global health programming. Our annual IGWG Plenary creates space for members to meet in person and provide feedback on the network as a whole each year.

Presentations and recordings of IGWG events are available online so you can find past events you missed or want to revisit. The presentation materials are also available.

What’s Family Planning Got to Do With It? Intimate Partner Violence + Family Planning Intersectionalities and What We Can Do about Them

Join us at the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) Forum in Rio de Janeiro to exchange ideas, network, and learn about what approaches work in linking intimate partner violence and family planning. This satellite event will showcase findings from the Passages Project’s new report, “Exploring the Linkages between Intimate Partner Violence and Family Planning,” and highlight the latest research from Promundo’s Program P. Come ready...