Developed for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign, this infographic explores the intersection of intimate partner violence and family planning.Read More
Infographic: How to Effectively Partner With Community Leaders in Gender Transformative Programming
This infographic highlights and synthesizes some of the key takeaways from the 2022 IGWG Plenary, suggesting promising practices for identifying community leaders and improving partnerships with community leaders and social movements in gender transformative programming. This resource intends to be a tool for program designers and implementers who wish to foster more community leadership and improve collaborations with community leaders within existing and future programs. The infographic also offers insights for program designers and implementers to strengthen programs that have already integrated elements of community mobilization and leadership.Read More
IGWG Gender Integration Continuum Graphic Now Available in French, Portuguese, and Spanish
The Interagency Gender Working Group (IGWG) Gender Integration Continuum is a necessary tool to identify whether an intervention encourages gender equity to improve development outcomes, such as in reproductive health. The Gender Integration Continuum graphic is available in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.Read More
How to Engage Men in Nurturing Care Across the Life Stages
Men caregivers play an important role in ensuring all children receive nurturing care. From supportive services to enabling policies and beyond, this infographic from MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership shows how men can be supported to provide nurturing care for their children from pregnancy to early childhood. Read More
How to Implement a Survivor-Centered Approach to GBV Programming
This how-to note and accompanying infographic focuses on helping USAID and implementing partners who have a role in GBV programming understand how programs can achieve a survivor-centered approach. This approach upholds four guiding principles: keeping survivors safe, protecting confidentiality, demonstrating respect for survivors’ dignity and self-determination, and practicing non-discrimination. Read More
COVID-19 and Violence Against Women Resources
Violence against women remains a major global public health threat and women’s health threat during emergencies. The WHO has developed a collection of infographics and a Q&A resource focused on violence against women during COVID-19. Both resources provides some key information about what victims, healthcare providers, and others can do to prevent and address violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic.Read More