This document, also available in French, profiles some of MOMENTUM’s dynamic youth partners working across different geographies and contexts in South Asia and West and East Africa. These partners aim to increase health knowledge and demand for health services, shift social and gender norms in their communities, improve access to quality health services, and create adolescent-responsive systems across the humanitarian-development nexus. Read More
Youth and Gender
New Website: The Child, Early, & Forced Marriages & Unions (CEFMU) and Sexuality Working Group
The CEFMU and Sexuality Working Group has launched a new website housing its resource library and Working Goup updates. The site is now a destination for events, publications, and other news from its group of international and national organizations working with and for adolescent girls to advance their rights and opportunities. Read More
Social Norms Research Agenda
This product provides consensus-driven research priorities for social-norms-shifting for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy among adolescents and youth in low- and middle-income countries to spur future innovation and investment within the global research and development community. The slide deck details the background of the product, the process for developing it, and next steps for its dissemination and use. Read More
The Power of Data to Action: Country Experiences and Lessons Following Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys
This report provides evidence that Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) and the "Data to Action" model contribute to policy change to end violence. The VACS data, and associated processes to use the data, provide evidence that violence against children and adolescents is a knowable, solvable problem. The data also provide the foundation for developing interventions that work and measuring progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development GoalsRead More
Gender Analysis—Uganda: Refugees and Host Communities in Yumbe and Terego Districts
This gender analysis aimed to analyze and understand the current realities for women, men, girls, and boys in the Imvepi and Bidi Bidi settlements in Uganda and their current needs and capacities from a gendered lens. The analysis will also inform the programming of CARE's Strengthening Conflict and gender sensitive Community Resilience in protracted crisis (SCCR) project based on the different needs of men, boys, and women and girls in particular. Read More
Youth, Social Norms, and Key Behaviors in Reproductive Health, Education, and Family Violence
This new web feature is comprised of five behavior studies related to social norms affecting adolescents and young adults across reproductive health, education, and family violence. These behavior studies—results of a scoping review of evidence—include example social norms, other factors affecting behavior, reference groups, and selected interventions addressing norms and behaviors. Read More