“Gender Handbook for Humanitarian Action”, a practical tool that provides guidance to front-line humanitarian workers on how to integrate gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls throughout the humanitarian action cycle, launched on April 17th.Read More
Technical Guidance
Responding to Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused
WHO has published new clinical guidelines aimed at helping health workers provide quality care to survivors. The guidelines emphasize the importance of promoting safety, offering choices and respecting the wishes and autonomy of children and adolescents. They cover recommendations for post-rape care and mental health.Read More
Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning: A Strategic Planning Guide
This document is intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision-makers through a strategic process to identify effective investments for engaging men in efforts to improve sexual and reproductive health. Read More
Revised International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education
The fully revised UN International technical guidance on sexuality education advocates for quality comprehensive sexuality education to promote health and well-being, respect for human rights and gender equality, and empowers children and young people to lead healthy, safe and productive lives.Read More